Oil and its related crises in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria simmered for a while and gradually reached a crescendo. At the outset, it was thought that the Niger Delta crises were limited to the core states of the region. Yet, the problem has today become perhaps the political albatross of the country.Much has been said and written about the NDRN as well as the impact of oil on the region. But of course the foundation of all these is the crisis of oil control, injustice and regional conspiracy against the NDR, which is home to Nigeria’s oil and gas industry –the base of Nigeria’s economy. Crude oil reserves in the region are estimated at about 35 billion barrels and Nigeria depends almost entirely on oil revenue.In spite of this enormous resources and revenues that accrue from oil, the region has been neglected by successive governments. The establishment of interventionist agencies, particularly the MNDA to address development in the region is a major response to the Willinks Report. In this text, the authors explore the dynamics leading to the emergence of these agencies as well as showcase the politics behind their failures, and make strong recommendations going forward.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Kinikanwo Aznunda Anele
Young A.Nkpah

Number of pages:


Published on:



Political sociology