Stress and academic performance of students in Kwabre East District

Stress and academic performance of students in Kwabre East District

Stress and academic performance

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2015-06-22 )

€ 39,90

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The study adopted a case study method which seeks to assess the impact of stress on academic performance of Senior High School students in the Kwabre East District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The study conveniently and purposely selected 277 students from Simms Senior High School, Kofi Agyei Senior High School and Gyamaa Pensah Senior High School. The students were stratified into Form 1, Form 2 and Form 3 students to ensure representation of all students at all levels. It was realized from the study that stress level among students in Senior High Schools in the Kwabre East District of the Ashanti Region was high and major causes of stress were academic achievement, financial problem and romantic relationship. It was realized that sex, academic levels of students and whom student lived with significantly influenced stress among Senior High School students in Kwabre East District of the Ashanti Region. However, programme pursued by students in Senior High Schools in the Kwabre East District of the Ashanti Region did not significantly influence stress among student. A stressful Senior High School student in the Kwabre East District of the Ashanti Region sought advice from teacher

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Prince Amoako
Mary Boakye

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career