Effect of irradiation on microorganisms and biogenic amines in foods

Effect of irradiation on microorganisms and biogenic amines in foods

Effect of gamma irradiation on activity of some microorganisms producing biogenic amines in Sardine Fish and Pastirma

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2015-09-03 )

€ 71,90

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The effect of gamma irradiation on the proximate chemical composition( moisture content , protein , fat, ash) chemical freshness tests (TBA, TVB-N, TMA, FAN, pH) and microbiological changes (total bacterial count, proteolytic bacteria, Enerobacteriaceae, moulds and yeasts counts) occurred in sardine fish and pastirma during cold storage at (4 ± 1 ºC) were fully investigated. Furthermore, the bacterial activity causing the formation of biogenic amines were also studied. In addition, the determination of biogenic amines in sardine fish and pastirma produced by these bacteria were explored. The effects of irradiation doses (1, 3 and 5 kGy) which were applied as a trial to reduce biogenic amines formation in sardine fish and pastirma were also investigated. In addition, the effect of the tested irradiation doses (1, 3 and 5 kGy) on organoleptic properties of the treated sardine fish and pastirma were determined.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Khalid Ragaei Abd-Rarboh EL-Bassiony
Ashraf Mahdy Sharoba
M.M.S. El-Gharably

Number of pages:


Published on:



Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition