Threats and risk analysis in border management against illicit traffic

Threats and risk analysis in border management against illicit traffic

in artefacts in South-Western Nigeria

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2019-08-28 )

€ 39,90

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Nigeria is bounded by Benin Republic to the West, Niger and Chad to the North and Cameroon to the South. In recent times the Cultural Heritage of Nigeria has faced threats which resulted into illicit traffic of artefacts. Evidence suggests that smuggling of artefacts is on the increase depleting treasured artefacts in stock in Nigeria. This study interrogates the threats of illicit cross border traffic in artefacts on the Nigerian cultural heritage and the risks it has on South-Western border management in Nigeria. The study made use of a combination of historical, descriptive and analytical methods as well as relevant materials on the subject matter to build up structures of its argument. The questions this paper examined are; what constitutes threats of illicit traffic in artefacts to border management, especially the activities of smugglers? What are the effects on the community, the security personnel at the borders and the risk involved in apprehending smugglers, Are the security personnel able to manage the situation especially where there is no law court at the borders and there is a delay in punishing offenders?

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Cecilia Enitan Ogunsusi

Number of pages:


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