Groundwater Potential Zone Assessment

Groundwater Potential Zone Assessment

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2016-06-16 )

€ 49,90

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Ground water is one of the important sources of potable water. It is believed to be safe, free from pathogenic bacteria and large in amount next to ice. Water is one of the most precious resources that life on planet earth depends on. After setting the objective of the research clearly and methods to be used, different software packages are used to analyze different factors that contribute to Groundwater (GW) potentials. GIS provides accurate information related to distinct geological formation, landforms and helps in identification of drainage channels. GIS is also an effective tool to analyze spatial and non-spatial data related to drainage, geology, landforms, etc parameters to understand their interrelationship. The concept of GIS has proved to be an important tool in integrating factors in groundwater studies. The availability of constant water supply is one of the major issues that dictate the settled life in the area. Therefore, the study for groundwater potential exploration is an important issue to bring a change in the livelihood of the society. This paper mainly focuses on general procedures and flow of the research in Groundwater in Boset District.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Yohannes Dhuguma

Number of pages:


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