No Peace

No Peace

A Drawing Installation by the Israeli born artist Ram Samocha

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-17 )

€ 49,00

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No Peace is the title of a drawing installation made by Israeli born artist Ram Samocha. As an immigrant, Samocha focuses on the issues of personal and global transformation and combines drawing with video, animation, and performance in the hope of gaining a more communicative interaction with the viewer. The work does not illustrate a political narrative but reflect on recent global issues by using the personal language of art. The drawings make use of the vocabulary of abstraction while presenting the physical process of a repetitive line-based action. Samocha is inspired by the intuitive language of children’s drawings which is reflected in the colourful images of his large scale works done on unstretched canvas. The joyful and psychedelic feel of his images are interrupted by troubled titles such as Sirens, Criss-CrossFire, Sand Clock, Concertina Wire, and Green Cease-Fire. In this book Samocha talks about the emotional restlessness of an immigrant artist who lives in a peaceful place but at the same time is tormented by the ongoing war in his homeland.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ram Samocha

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