Failure of the movement?

Failure of the movement?

Farmers'' social movement in Poland during the transition

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-18 )

€ 49,00

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The aim of this work is to present the course of conflict between the government and farmers trade unions, formed in a social movement, in Poland in the 1990’s. Framing is used as a methodological concept. Author analyzes ways, methods and strategies used by movement to align own frame to master frame. He explains major factors that influent the final decisions and process of transforming movement into a political party. Scholars usually deal with the successful movements, explain the reasons they succeed, look for their methods and strategies. Almost none write about failures whereas author decided to describe the movement that failed. Roberts Benford and David Snow, two academics that proposed the framing term, claim that failure might be caused by lack of resonant master frame. Anthony Oberschall claims that movement exchanges into new organizational form when it successes. Thesis presented in this work is the opposite. This is a failure when there is no resonant master frame, when movement as a social process cannot reframe the reality and starts to look for new opportunities. Movement fails when in its organizational form did not reach its goals.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Jakub Wojnarowski

Number of pages:


Published on:



Political science