Pastoral care in tension between tradition and modernity

Pastoral care in tension between tradition and modernity

Pastoral ministry and biblical response to challenges of fear of death, fear of spirits and hospitality in Africa

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-01-12 )

€ 68,00

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Theological reflection in Africa tends to be backward looking - how African people lived many decades ago. This approach leaves a gap on present Africa. To address the gap this publication draws from research and experience of ministers from Sub- Saharan Africa: Vhumani Magezi and Timothy Myambo (Zimbabwe), Victor Owuor (Kenya), and Osward Pearson Sichula (Zambia). Magezi provides a synopsis on pastoral care while Owuor addresses the subject of beliefs, practices and fears of death through resurrection hope as a rescue doctrine. Myambo provides a biblical evaluation and pastoral response to the subject of avenging spirits (ngozi) common among the Zimbabwean people who believe in communication between the living and the dead. Sichula wrestles with the subject of hospitality in African urban congregations and the role of pastoral care. The link between Owuor and Myambo''s work is clear i.e. “fear of the influence of the supernatural world in one''s life” while Sichula''s subject of hospitality seems odd. But the important link between these parts is that they seek to address contemporary pastoral ministry challenges in Africa.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Magezi Vhumani
Victor Owuor
Timothy Myambo

Number of pages:


Published on:



Religion / Theology