Optical Code Communication in Local Networks

Optical Code Communication in Local Networks

System Design and Wireless Convergence

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-01-12 )

€ 79,00

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The continuing growth in Internet services and the associated bandwidth consumption presents many challenges to be met at the network tiers. The deployment of a fiber-optic local network is important because as soon as it is in place, it provides broadband access to the Internet cloud. In this book, such architecture is envisioned to be moderate in costs and complexity through sharing of resources, simplified nodes at the user-side, and centralized network management. The provisioning of wireless networks and, consequently, the handling of mobile networking dynamics is considered to be essential to enable truly ubiquitous networking possibilities so the convergence of the optical and the radio domains has a central position in the book. The optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) technology serves as basis on top of which many networking concepts are evaluated. A unique insight is given in the complete trajectory of OCDMA system design from modeling, to photonic integration, until full-scale transmission experiments. This book is intended for (under-) graduate students and system designers in the area of fiber-optic local networks.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Bas Huiszoon

Number of pages:


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Electronics, electro-technology, communications technology