Marketing Professional Services

Marketing Professional Services

The Role of the Internet in Marketing Architectural Services in South Africa

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-03-11 )

€ 79,00

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In recent years, an increasingly competitive landscape in the service industry, transformation in consumer buying behaviour and deregulations in the professional service environment make marketing an increasingly important competitive tool for professional service providers. However, due to the notable status and previous restrictions associated with the profession, many architectural practices are still reluctant to engage in marketing activities to promote their firms. In particular the use of the Internet is deemed to be a less required facet in the application of the marketing mix. The literature suggests that the Internet can increase the opportunity for differentiation within the professional service environment and the trend that more consumers are adopting the Internet as a primary source for information emphasises the importance for professional services to adopt a holistic marketing approach that includes the Internet. This study provides managerial implications by illustrating opportunities for marketing and IT professionals to leverage their skill set onto the professional services industry and potentially engage in mutually beneficial business relationships.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Lisa K. Grosskurth

Number of pages:


Published on:



Advertisement, marketing