Reflective Portfolios

Reflective Portfolios

Effects on Learning English as a Second Language

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-03-15 )

€ 68,00

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Findings indicate portfolios make a significant contribution to fostering reflection in teacher- and medical practitioner-training methodologies, but their role as a reflective device to support learning English as a second language (ESL) is less clearly defined. Several studies, albeit limited in number, report notable benefits of reflection for second language learners through portfolio use. As the mastery of a second language is widely regarded as an outcome of the interaction between the individual and educational environment embedded in a sociocultural context, having access to learners'' portfolio experiences will help to illuminate pedagogical considerations vis-à-vis portfolio implementation. This book concerns the use of reflective portfolios by teachers of ESL to assist non-native university students to complete their studies in English. Analysis of the qualitative data from sociocultural perspectives should inform ESL teachers, materials developers, curriculum designers, administrators and others in their effort to formulate an approach that aims to integrate portfolios into instruction, curriculum and assessment.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Juliana Chau

Number of pages:


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Language and literature science