The Borders of Nationalism

The Borders of Nationalism

An exegesis on the ethical questions of nationalism

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-10-05 )

€ 49,00

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The consequences of a pro-nationalist stance often appear devastating. What becomes clear is the significant tension that exists between the individual’s desires to act with solidarity, with the requisite nationalistic zeal; and in accordance with their cosmopolitan concern. So is it apt to encourage our youth to exhibit nationalistic fervour? Or should we perhaps encourage only a nominal nationalism, that recognises the importance of distant others. Perhaps we should encourage individuals to shelve their nationalistic tendencies altogether in favour of a broader worldview. Is a social architecture that enables and indeed necessitates moderate nationalistic particularity ethically permissible, moreover is it potentially desirable? These are the matters considered in this piece. Many ardent supporters of immoderate variants of nationalism offer human motivation as a defense of their position. A further matter addressed within this piece is essentially whether nationalism founded in rational choice theory is the most complete explanation of human motivation.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Michael D'Rosario

Number of pages:


Published on:



Renaissance, Enlightenment