Conflict between local communities and elephants in the Mara ecosystem

Conflict between local communities and elephants in the Mara ecosystem

Designing and studying human-elephant conflict

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-05-20 )

€ 79,00

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Human-elephant conflict is a contemporary challenge for elephant managers and the main threat facings elephants. The Masai Mara dispersal areas, a conflict hot spot, due to the resident elephant population, which live among the local pastoral Masai inhabitants who have started crop farming due to high agricultural potential. Conflict threatens local livelihood through crop damage and human deaths and injuries while elephants face illegal revenge killings. Consequently, local people have developed a negative attitude towards elephants, while elephant range is shrinking. The book highlightes the types and patterns of conflict, and the challenges of different mitigation methods. It documents the farm-based measurement of conflict; seasonal and spatial factors underlying conflict; and measures the success of the traditional mitigation methods. The findings are vital to development of management plan for the ecosystem. Appropriate mitigation measure will save the huge budget allocation by the government on mitigation measures. The book content, hence it is good for researchers, policy makers, elephant practitioners and managers.

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By (author) :

Noah Sitati

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