Climate Change and Cost-Benefit of T.Aman Rice in Bangladesh

Climate Change and Cost-Benefit of T.Aman Rice in Bangladesh

Climate variability and it's impact of salinity on the profitability of the coastal region in Bangladesh

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-07-01 )

€ 49,00

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I have pleasure to note that my long cherished dream to publish my dissertation from Germany. This opportunity created by Lambert Academic Publishing.I am optimistic who design various socio-economic research programs independently such as, climate change and its impact of agricultural production, Environmental Economics and agriculture, poverty measurement and environmental development, Cost-benefit analysis from environmental point of view, Agriculture, Health and environmental linkages etc, it will be helpful for them to take any decision. Specifically, social scientist, Agricultural Economist, Environmental specialist as well as Economist would be benefited from my dissertation.What is more, this benevolent dissertation would help to combat with the current global concerns in environmental research and to identify and critically analyses key factors shaping the environmental and resource economics programmes. I will be lucky enough if academic expert collect this paper from Lambert Academic Publishing. I am grateful to Lambert Academic Publishing for this opportunity.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Mohammad Mostofa

Number of pages:


Published on:



Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition