Carbon Capturing Potential of Wood Substitution in India

Carbon Capturing Potential of Wood Substitution in India

A Sustainable Approach of Climate Change Mitigation

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-11-03 )

€ 49,00

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The study concludes that in India the requirement of raw materials such as wood, metal and plastic for furniture. Based on the analogy as defined in the methodology, the replacement of 1 meter-cube metal or plastic by wood would save 2 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, this results of the saving of 624000 tonnes carbon dioxide emission against 5 percent of replacement of each metal and plastic as furniture raw material by wood. These study advocates, use of wood as raw materials for furniture, which have a significant potential for mitigating the climate change impacts. The study also estimated the carbon dioxide stored in woods used for making doors, windows and ventilators at ground floor of FRI (Dehradun, India) Main building except the wood used in canteen and floor and roofs. Based on the conservative value of specific gravity of wood the total amount of carbon dioxide stored through the wood was 279.67 tonnes, however as per the second approach, the amounts was 264.08 tonnes.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Vinod Kumar Yadav
Rajiv Pandey

Number of pages:


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