Teaching and Learning of Writing in Shona at 'o' Level

Teaching and Learning of Writing in Shona at 'o' Level

A Case of Selected Schools in Kadoma District Zimbabwe

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2011-10-26 )

€ 59,00

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This research sought to investigate the teaching and learning of writing in Shona at ‘O’ Level in selected schools in Kadoma District in order to find out how teachers and pupils define it, establish what teachers focus on, the strategies they employ in teaching, the problems they encounter and suggest possible solutions to these as well as find out how they assess learners’ writing. The results of the research indicate that Shona teachers do not really focus on teaching of writing per se. They focus on some aspects of writing and are in the main product-oriented which has seen learners experiencing a number of problems in their quest to write. Recommendations proffered include, among others, continuous staff development, revisiting the syllabi and teacher training curricula in institutions of higher learning in order to equip the teachers adequately. learners need to be assisted to go through the rigors of the writing process in an effort to make them aware of the fact that they do not only learn to write for the teacher and examinations, but also for life.

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By (author) :

Tsitsi Nyoni (nee Dzinoreva)

Number of pages:


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