Social Adjustment of Senior Citizens in Urban and Rural Areas

Social Adjustment of Senior Citizens in Urban and Rural Areas

Senior Citizens

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-02-24 )

€ 49,00

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The status of rural elderly was more solid, amore authoritative and more satisfactory as compare to that of urban elderly which is weaking, dependent and uncertain. The rural elderly enjoys due importance, respect and counseling from their children. The liberal trends in urban setting is fading concept of respect towards elders from the minds of children as compared to conservative and traditional way of rural setting’s children to respect their family elders. Most of the elders of urban setting were suffering from acute psychological estrangement and solitude. They were also dependent economically on their children. But rural elderly was autonomous in expenditures and had closely bonded with them in social and domestic affairs. So, social adjustment was easy and more in towards rural elderly. The elderly of both the settings had almost same socio economic background, but there exists a significant difference between urban elderly and rural elderly in the terms of social adjustment. Informal relationships main entity in rural families may be the reasons to more adjustment.

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By (author) :

Feroz Usmani

Number of pages:


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