Projective and Chronometric Correlates of Intelligence

Projective and Chronometric Correlates of Intelligence

A Factoranalytical Study of Psychometric, Chronometric and Projective Variables of Intelligence

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-03-29 )

€ 68,00

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This research work is an earnest attempt to discover whether the three approaches to intellectual assessment viz. psychometric, chronometric and projective, measure the same 'intelligence' or something different. It is a unique correlational and factor analytical study of the relationship of Rorschach indices of intelligence and measures of visual and auditory reaction time with timed and untimed measures of fluid and crystallized intelligence, after experimentally eliminating the effect of anxiety which is known to have an inconsistent relationship with test performance. The sample was administered four intelligence tests, measuring fluid and crystallized intelligence under both timed and untimed conditions. The subjects' simple and choice reaction times, both auditory and visual, were also measured individually. Finally, the subject' responses on the Rorschach test were obtained. After factor analyzing the data, nine factors representing different dimensions were found necessary to account for the common factor variance, revealing that it may not be possible to synthesize the three approaches to intellectual assessment, to form a unified test of intelligence.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Prarthna Swani

Number of pages:


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