Sites of Cultural significance In the BaTonga Culture

Sites of Cultural significance In the BaTonga Culture

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2018-01-09 )

€ 35,90

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As humans, our abilities were limited to our cranial capacity. A series of discoveries endorsed and enlarged our inquisitiveness, to the extent of extreme competition where defending became an intensely high prerogative. As if that is not enough, industries we create, like a cigar puffs up large volumes of carbon dioxide and other poisonous dioxides known to specialists destroy the ozone layer. When the effects caress us we curse our maker, for the result of our actions. We are like a corrosive disease to our lovely home, not considering the next generation’s inheritance. BaTonga remain one of the people existing under the sun who conserve and preserve their culture to the fullest. They have kept fauna and flora safe throughout in their entirety by norms, beliefs and legends. The only issue to be regarded was their significant cultural places being documented for posterity. Till to date, the BaTonga still practice their way of life as their ancestors used to. Their fascinating endevour make us to question our own beliefs that have led to the destruction of our planet.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Ishmael Ndlovu

Number of pages:


Published on:



Cultural history