Mutual Funds: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth and Performance

Mutual Funds: A Comprehensive Analysis of Growth and Performance

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2019-04-02 )

€ 82,90

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The book is a comprehensive study on growth and performance of mutual funds analyzing both secondary as well as primary data. The performance of selected equity funds using market based data have been gauged through traditional and modern measures (VaR) of performance. The individual investor’s and broker’s perception, experience and expectations have also been duly examined because one cannot understand and generalize the motivation and perception of people by analyzing only market data. In the era, where mutual fund industry has stirred within the broader market’s slipstream, oscillating between exuberance and retrenchment, the book is a beautiful blend of both the story of NAVs and how the individual investor perceives the story of NAVs. The book offers great utility for mutual fund distributors, academicians and independent financial advisors as it covers all dimensions of mutual funds, the product, the buyer and the seller. It provides some useful suggestions for the mutual fund industry in India to revisit the product design and marketing of mutual funds which would help to make the investment vehicle more reachable to larger audience.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Anu Sahi
Anurag Pahuja
Balram Dogra

Number of pages:


Published on:


