Perceived Leader Integrity and Employee voice in SMEs Travel Agents

Perceived Leader Integrity and Employee voice in SMEs Travel Agents

"An empirical study on Travel Agents employees in Egypt"

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2018-03-29 )

€ 64,90

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Tourism industry is becoming progressively complex, dynamic as it faces many crises, terrorism acts and revolutions which make it challenging for leaders to perceive, understand and tackle these crises. Therefore, the employee's contributions can efficiently develop the tourism industry. Indeed, employees are regarded as a precious source of expressing voice and solving work related problems. Moreover, the academic importance of Leader Integrity is enforced by the regard that integrity is held by employees in organizations. Many of whom have stated that they consistently respect integrity in their leaders above all other values. Importantly, scholars have paid significant attention to the topic of Leader Integrity, and it should be considered as a premise in leadership studies. Significantly, among organizational factors that influence employees' desire to exercise voice, leadership is highly important because leaders play major roles in affecting employees' behaviors and in determining whether employees feel that it is safe to express their voice. Therefore, Leader Integrity has a major impact on Employee Voice especially among front-line employees in SMEs Travel Agents in Egypt.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ahmed Hammad

Number of pages:


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Business management