Adaptation to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Tanzania

Adaptation to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in Tanzania

Roles and Responsibilities of Government and Private Sector: A Case Study of Coastal Community in Dar Es Salaam

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2019-12-12 )

€ 54,90

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The book is about roles and responsibilities to adapt to climate change and sea level rise. Studies show that clear roles and responsibilities of major stakeholders are one of the challenges to adapt to climate change and sea level rise. Few researches in this area have also been undertaken and no common understanding on what should be the roles and responsibilities of government and private sector to effectively adapt to climate change and sea level rise. Tanzania is not an exception. Dar es Salaam is by far the largest city in the country which has already witnessed climate change and sea level rise impacts. The city is a hub of major commercial activities in the country, including tourist hotels, academic institutions, hospitals, beach clubs, schools, settlements, business offices, markets and fish landing sites located along the coast. It is therefore important to study the existing climate change and sea level rise impacts, roles and responsibilities of the major stakeholders in the city. Dar es Salaam city is chosen to assess the adaptation to climate change and sea level rise in the coastal cities in Tanzania.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Ladislaus Kyaruzi
Jon C. Lovett
Arturo Balderas Toress

Number of pages:


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