Physical characteristics of atoms and ions of the chemical elements

Physical characteristics of atoms and ions of the chemical elements

Their Relationship with the Hydrated Oxides Dissociation Constants in the Mendeleev’s Periodic System

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2020-02-27 )

€ 36,90

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In the present work, the orbital and correct radii of atoms and ions are theoretically calculated. It is shown that their physical properties are naturally reflected in primary and secondary periodicity. The main laws of these changes are related to the structure of their electronic shells. Based on the orbital and correct crystal-chemical radii of atoms and ions, the ionization energies and electron affinity for various elements, including those obtained synthetically, that is absent in the literature, were calculated. Based on these data, the force’s characteristics of element ions in various states are calculated. A correlation was found between the hydrated oxides acid dissociation constants and the ions force’s characteristics. The author proposed a functional dependence describing this relationship with the ions force’s characteristics, the oxidation state, and the group number of this element. The relationship between the constants of sequential dissociation of polybasic acids has been established. Similar patterns were found for the basic properties of hydrated oxides of chemical elements.

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By (author) :

Pavel Kudryavtsev

Number of pages:


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