The need to develop a total person adorned with practical skills has become a priority for most governments both developed and developing. Such is the case for Zimbabwean Education curriculum which has gone through many revolutions to ensure that learners from primary up to higher level education gain practical skills. However on realising the shortcoming of education offered, a commission of inquiry was instituted in 1999 to come up with recommendations to overhaul the education system which was said to be “academic oriented.” Today the government of Zimbabwe has also given birth to a new ministry which is tasked to oversee administration of practical skills from primary level up to tertiary level and to also implement the commission’s recommendations on Education and Training. In light of all this, the government of Zimbabwe has further sanctioned the wholesale introduction of practical skills at primary through practical subjects such as Agriculture, Home Economics, and Computers etc. The issues raised in the book should be useful to varied personnel such as curriculum planners, educationists, teachers, inspectors and any one in education system.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Pride. P. Muza

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career