Patriarchy in Language Use and the Domination of African Women

Patriarchy in Language Use and the Domination of African Women

The Use of Proverbs and Other Sayings as Instruments of Domination and Subordination of African Women by Men

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2020-07-23 )

€ 39,90

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PATRIARCHY IN LANGUAGE USE AND THE DOMINATION AND SUBORDINATION OF AFRICAN WOMEN is a book that analyses how proverbs and other sayings in African languages have been used to strengthened and legitimised the domination and subordination of African women by men. The book outlines the power of culture in Africa as expressed in the various language use. Men and women of Africa are bind together by their culture, which to a very large extent conveys their beliefs. Consequently, whatever meaning that is implied by proverbs and sayings in African languages can be considered binding on both men and women. Consequently, African proverbs and sayings with implied meanings that have served as instruments of women subordination and domination by men over a prolong period of time are very well pronounced in almost all African languages, particularly in Nigeria. It is quite obvious that the various feminist movements in Africa have not been able to make any significant change in this position of things, particularly because of the cultural implication. Hence, African women domination and subordination is still a common thing in Africa with its attendance consequences.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Sunday Olawuyi

Number of pages:


Published on:



Research on Woman and gender