Vacuum Energy Levels

Vacuum Energy Levels

From the Mechanical Impedance of Vacuum

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2021-01-11 )

€ 54,90

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There are fourth conditions to verify a theory that is consistent. Those conditions are as the following: 1st condition: the respect of the principle of least action: this principle is general and for every physical system its action should be minimum. 2nd condition: the respect of the principle of locality: this principle signifies that a physical phenomenon which happens in a region of space & time affects directly only its nearest environment. 3rd condition: the respect of the principle of relativity: the equation of motion should be invariant in inertial referential. 4th condition: the respect of gauge invariance: when there is a symmetry, there is something which is conserved. A symmetry is a change in the system parameters which doesn’t affect the equation of motion. By applying those conditions for a Newton more generalised equation of motion which is the second derivative by time of the product of the inertia and the position of a system, we had concluded that: 1-The field of gravitation and the electromagnetic field can be unified in one unified field and treated as it is in microscopic scale or great scale; 2-Vacuum had infinite levels of energy.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Alaya Kouki

Number of pages:


Published on:



Physics, astronomy