Pragmatic Analysis of Khaled Husseni and Chimamanda Ngozi Novels

Pragmatic Analysis of Khaled Husseni and Chimamanda Ngozi Novels

A socio pragmatic study in light of Geoffrey Leech's theory of politeness

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2021-05-10 )

€ 87,90

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The study of politeness in different literary works, especially novels is of interest to all readers because the language used by the novelist and all writers is usually presented in an attractive way for not offending the target reader. Hence, the politeness principle is not only exploited by the different characters in any novel, but also it is exploited by the novelist him/herself throughout the use of neat language and attractive techniques. As the purpose in maintaining politeness strategies is to make participants communicate in the right language based on the context during the process of communication, politeness theory becomes one of the main areas of linguistic theory that is related to relational communication. Politeness is a form of social interaction that is conditioned by the socio- cultural norms of a particular society which can be expressed through communicative acts. In this study Geoffrey Leech's theory of politeness will be applied to four novels by American novelist Khaled Husseni and Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Ngozi, illustrating the value of maintaining the politeness principle between participants in interacting with each other .

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Fatma Tawakol El-zaghal

Number of pages:


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English linguistics / literature science