Potential Quantum Intelligence

Potential Quantum Intelligence

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LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2021-12-23 )

€ 96,90

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Within the methodological framework of modern Hindu thought, Nyaya's epistemology indicates that some human beings, with the hidden cognitive power of consciousness and subconscious mind, the source of new ideas and infinite intelligence, have supernatural abilities to perceive the past, present, and future through Deep Meditation (YOGA). In the framework of modern science and technology, practice shows that the level of intelligence of AI depends not only on computational techniques but more and even decisively, on the thinking of people, who want to build and apply AI. On the one hand, within the framework of the theory of quantum physics, the motion of a photon of light (with the light speed, c) generates the physical quantum field including the physical quantum power leading to an idea of quantum information, quantum bit (qubit, ‘1-0’) rather than a classical bit (‘1 or 0’). On the other hand, the movement of information at the speed of light, c, (in the human brain) generates a special field named cognitive quantum field leading to new quantum perception with the quantum cognitive power rather than the power of intuitive perception.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Chi Tran

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General, encyclopedias