Assam and Meghalaya: Issues and Implications

Assam and Meghalaya: Issues and Implications

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2023-01-06 )

€ 79,90

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Living in multicultural societies is inevitable in today’s world. While people are still struggling to get used to it, there will always be something to gain and lose in such societies. Though opinion may differ from one person to another, only the so-called mainland’s opinion about India is widely discussed in literature. The opinion of what we perceive as periphery is less known. Without acknowledging it, a holistic perception in literature is not possible. In this book, the issues troubling Assam and Meghalaya, which are considered to be peripheral states, have been explored. Five authors from the region and their novels have been taken for this study. Since various parties are involved in the events going on in the region, namely, people, insurgents, and administration, each party’s perception has been analysed in the book. Also, how political and ethnic conflicts have instilled in people a sense of fear about life and future, their inability to move on with life and relationships because of their uncertain predicament, and finally how they work around the situation to find peace, have been explored.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Manimekalai V
Baskaran G

Number of pages:


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Language and literature science