Dynamic Power Conversion: Unleashing the Potential of Static Converter

Dynamic Power Conversion: Unleashing the Potential of Static Converter

Exploring Choppers, Reversible Systems, and Multi-Quadrant Conversion for Efficient Energy Management MATLAB/Simulink

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2023-11-09 )

€ 43,90

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Dynamic Power Conversion: Unleashing the Potential of Static Converters in Electrical Energy Regulation" is a comprehensive guide that explores the world of static converters and their role in converting and regulating electrical energy. It covers power semiconductor devices such as diodes, thyristors, transistors, MOSFETs, and GTOs, focusing on DC/DC converters or choppers. These converters transform direct energy into constant or variable direct voltage/current. The book examines applications in speed control of DC motors, medium-traction vehicles, and renewable energy systems. It discusses reversible and irreversible choppers, highlighting benefits like motor direction reversal and energy recuperation. Four types of converters are covered: series, parallel, inductive storage, and capacitive storage. The coupling of unidirectional converters to create reversible systems, particularly the bridge chopper, is explored. Reversible current and voltage choppers, known as four-quadrant choppers, enable bidirectional rotation of DC machines and energy recovery during braking. The book explains their operation based on switching sequences. It covers one-quadrant and two-quadrant converter.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ridha Benadli

Number of pages:


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Heating,- energy- and power station technology