Universal Direct Search Frequency-resonance Technologies in Geology

Universal Direct Search Frequency-resonance Technologies in Geology

Universal direct search frequency-resonance technologies for solving structural and exploration geological problems

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-07-24 )

€ 79,90

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This work is devoted to the description of mobile and universal frequency resonance (FR) technologies and the results of their experimental application in geology for the study of several structural and prospecting problems. There is a brief overview of part of the research results in recent years (2018-2024) devoted to the problems of searching for and localizing accumulation zones and hydrocarbon deposits in the structures of the Earth's crust and mantle.The use of FR-soundings makes it possible to determine the probable origin and depth of geological sources of gas migration in the continental margin structures of the World Ocean.The work consists of several sections, which provide a concise description of the method of applying direct search technology, the results of the interpretation of the obtained measurements, and their correlation with the available geological and geophysical information. Data from FR technologies have shown the possibility of using seeps as additional indicators of hydrocarbon deposits in gas release areas. These independent data can be used to build models of the deep possible mechanisms of the abiogenic hydrocarbon formation.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Mykola Yakymchuk
Ignat Korchagin
Valery Soloviev

Number of pages:


Published on:


