The Bamwe people in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Bamwe people in the Democratic Republic of Congo

A missiological analysis of cultural factors affecting social transformation among unreached people

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-07-29 )

€ 79,90

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Among the elements that influence social transformation, culture occupies a unique position. In any culture, there are positive, negative and neutral factors. The positive factors are those that accompany society to success, while the negative factors oppose the success of society.The Bamwe culture has made the Bamwe community a well-prepared field for the success of the holistic mission. In other words, it is favorable to the rooting and flourishing of the gospel as it holds many advantages that support Christian ethics. Its greatest advantage lies in the fact that it is neither ethnocentric nor a culture of poverty; on the contrary, it is open and adaptive to new situations. That is why the current Bamwe society is radically different from the pre-Christian society, and several areas of the Bamwe community have been radically transformed.Also, in comparison to other tribes of the Sud Ubangi province, the Bamwe society has undergone a special transformation. It has greatly contributed to the success of the holistic gospel, which must be briefly described as it shapes each individual to make him responsible for a dignified and honest life.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Roger Ibengi Dobe

Number of pages:


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Practical theology