Cosmic Perspectives: A Journey Through Space and Time

Cosmic Perspectives: A Journey Through Space and Time

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2024-06-21 )

€ 43,90

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In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity has always sought to understand its place and purpose. From ancient civilizations peering into the night sky to modern scientists probing the depths of space, our journey of cosmic exploration has been one of curiosity, wonder, and discovery. This book, Cosmic Perspectives: A Journey Through Space and Time, seeks to encapsulate the awe-inspiring story of our universe—from its birth to its potential future—and the profound insights it offers into our existence.Through the pages of this book, we will embark on a voyage that spans billions of years and traverses light-years of distance. We will explore the marvels of stars and galaxies, delve into the mysteries of black holes and dark matter, and contemplate the origins of life and the possibility of other civilizations beyond our own. Along the way, we will encounter the breakthroughs of scientific inquiry, the beauty of cosmic phenomena, and the philosophical questions that arise when contemplating the cosmos.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Ruby Jindal

Number of pages:


Published on:



Physics, astronomy