Search results for: "archetypal and symbolic meanings in children's projective drawings"

What are the Roles and Meanings of Sport to Young People

Coming from Socially Excluded Areas of Society in the Black Country?

- ISBN: 978-620-2-09489-4

€ 39,90

Deriving building information models from legacy paper drawings

Investigating the scope and limitations of BIM usage on existing buildings

- ISBN: 978-3-330-06814-8

€ 39,90

Symbolic Algorithm for Mixed Interpolation Problem

An Application to Linear Boundary Value Problems

- ISBN: 978-620-4-20932-6

€ 39,90

Symbolic  Portrayal of Characters in Al – Tayeb Salih''s Fiction

An Integrated Analytical Study of Fiction

- ISBN: 978-3-8383-3542-1

€ 49,00

From Ordinary Language Logic to Symbolic Logic

The Intricacies of Transcriptions and Formalizations

- ISBN: 978-620-4-20031-6

€ 39,90

From Ordinary Language Logic to Symbolic Logic


- ISBN: 978-620-4-19785-2

€ 39,90

Translation Quality Assessment of the Meanings of the Holy Qur'an

تقييم جودة الترجمة لمعاني القرآن الكريم

- ISBN: 978-620-5-51624-9

€ 60,90

The Minimal Resolution Conjecture for Projective Space of dimension 4.

The Minimal Resolution (MR) of an Ideal I of S general points in a Projective Space is the one predicted by Anna L.

- ISBN: 978-3-8433-8937-2

€ 49,00