Search results for: "archetypal and symbolic meanings in children's projective drawings"

Economic Analysis of Production and Marketing of Mustard in Jammu

An Analytical Study in Jammu & Kashmir State of India

- ISBN: 978-620-6-15081-7

€ 43,90

Socio-economic status and HIV-related discrimination in Lagos, Nigeria

Influence of socio-economic variables on discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS in Lagos State, Nigeria

- ISBN: 978-3-8443-0605-7

€ 79,00

Building Level Factors and  Value-Added Score Relationships in Ohio

An ex post facto research design

- ISBN: 978-3-8443-0051-2

€ 59,00

Major Foliar Diseases of Pulses and Oilseed Crops in Bundelkhand

Diagnostic key for identification of major foliar diseases of pulses and oilseed crops in Bundelkhand

- ISBN: 978-620-6-84601-7

€ 68,90

Joint mobility and electrical muscle function at ankle in diabetes

Joint mobility and electrical muscle activity during MVIC at ankle in patients with long term type II diabetes

- ISBN: 978-620-6-78761-7

€ 43,90

Strategies of seed germination in some medicinal and oleaginous plants

Germination behaviors and metabolic compounds of Simmondsia chinensis; Moringa oleifera and Cassia fistula

- ISBN: 978-620-7-44756-5

€ 79,90