Search results for: "archetypal and symbolic meanings in children's projective drawings"

Stock price responses to merger and acquisitions in Indian Banks

ThomsonONE is a financial investment database of Thomson Reuters

- ISBN: 978-620-2-55462-6

€ 54,90

A Study of Child Work in India and Selected States

An Analysis of NFHS-III Data

- ISBN: 978-3-8454-2455-2

€ 49,00

Can Self-Hypnosis Impact Distress and Immunity in HIV+ Persons?

An Ericksonian Hypnosis Intervention Designed to Reduce Psychological Distress and Relieve Stress to the Immune System

- ISBN: 978-3-8443-8611-0

€ 49,00

Detection of Lysozyme in Tuberous Plants and Calotropis procera latex

Studies on Detection and Analysis of Lysozyme Activity in Some Tuberous Plants and Latex of Calotropis procera

- ISBN: 978-620-2-52057-7

€ 39,90

Implications of public and private education policies in EFL academic

A case study of 11th grade at a local school in Cucuta, Colombia

- ISBN: 978-620-0-54080-5

€ 82,90

Relative Role of Bilateral and Multilateral Aid in Economic Growth

Empirical Evidence from West Africa

- ISBN: 978-620-2-19778-6

€ 39,90