Search results for: "archetypal and symbolic meanings in children's projective drawings"

Forage and Multipurpose Uses of Ficus thonningii in Northern Ethiopia

Nutritive Value, Biomass Estimation, and Impact on Soil Fertility

- ISBN: 978-3-8465-1201-2

€ 49,00

Tax Avoidance - Limits of Legality in Brazil and United Kingdom

The agressiveness of taxpayers developing legal techniques for taking advantage of weaknesses in national tax systems

- ISBN: 978-3-8383-8306-4

€ 49,00

Currency Reform in 1930s’ China and the American Silver Policy

A Case Analysis of How Chinese Monetary Policy Was Influenced by American Policy and Contemporary Asian Circumstances

- ISBN: 978-3-659-39472-0

€ 44,90

Endemic Diseases of Litopenaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon in India

Endemic Diseases of Cultured Shrimps in India

- ISBN: 978-3-659-17645-6

€ 61,90

Right to Vote and to be Elected in Divided Societies

And Post Crisis Situations (Case Study on Iraq)

- ISBN: 978-3-659-66697-1

€ 76,90