Search results for: "archetypal and symbolic meanings in children's projective drawings"

Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Cola Acuminata and Cola Nitida

DNA extraction from Cola species; molecular characterization of Cola acuminata and Cola nitida

- ISBN: 978-620-0-23268-7

€ 26,90

Strategic Human Resource and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Strategic Human Resource Practices in Kenya Commercial Banks

- ISBN: 978-3-659-33826-7

€ 35,90

Changes In Organizational Culture And Its Impact On Job Satisfaction

Implications Of The Bank Acquired By Foreign Owned

- ISBN: 978-3-659-36915-5

€ 35,90

Village Savings and Loans Associations in Action:  The Tumu Experience

Socio-Economic Effects of and Lessons from a Microfinance Program by YARO in Sissala East District of Ghana in 2010

- ISBN: 978-3-659-37195-0

€ 49,00