Cultural Attractiveness of Dublin and Vilnius

Cultural Attractiveness of Dublin and Vilnius

Theories. Descriptions. Analysis.

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-05-21 )

€ 49,00

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The aim of this work is to discuss cultural attractiveness in the selected cities of Dublin and Vilnius. As the term cultural attractiveness is used in various aspects in different ways, it becomes necessary to define it for the extent of every discussion. To define culture in the city there were criterions of common basic values – tolerance, openness and diversity – described, according to the creative class theory raised by Richard Florida in “The rise of the creative class”. The list of criterions was expanded from the results of discussions held in the course of European Spatial Planning and between Professor Jan – Evert Nilsson and the authors of the thesis. In the main body of the thesis the effect of each criterion in the selected case studies is analyzed. The authors find out that the importance of each criterion can differ according to the case. The thesis highlight that cultural attractiveness is defined by the combination of the discussed elements/criterions. The work is drawing attention to the complexity of the issue and should be useful to those working with cultural studies and related fields of cultural phenomena.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Reda Stankutė
Eglė Vitkutė

Number of pages:


Published on:



General Social sciences