Employee reporting in South Africa

Employee reporting in South Africa

Employers’ and public accountants’ attitudes towards employee reporting in South Africa

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 10.09.2009 )

€ 79,00

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The traditional focus of financial reporting has been on meeting the needs of investors and creditors. However, meeting the needs of other users of financial reports, particularly the employees, cannot be ignored. Employee reporting has therefore evolved as a form of reporting which meets the needs of employees for information about the enterprise for which they work. In South Africa, this is a particularly pertinent topic as a result of recent developments which highlight the need to provide other users with information and emphasize the rights of employees. Companies in South Africa are producing employee reports although there is no guidance by any regulatory bodies as to the form and contents of such reports. This study examines the desirability of employee reporting in South Africa with emphasis on the theoretical background to the subject, and the attitudes of employers and public accountants towards the desirability of employee reporting, its form and contents, and public accountant involvement with published employee reports.

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By (author) :

Lesley Stainbank

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