Art as Mime

Art as Mime

The Key Issues concerning Contemporary Art

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 07.10.2009 )

€ 79,00

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The Art Mîme The supernova that was art, must have imploded sometime back in the late twentieth century; its mîmes sent hurtling out into the furthest reaches of the universe. Everything appears as art now, although art itself has become a dark matter, a black hole, surrounded by pulsars. The mission of this project has been to track arts trace elements and evaluate its dynamic structure. To this end we have charted the further reaches of the stellar system and probed the dark matter itself, in a bid to quantify its magnetic field. What comes to light is a dynamic quantum, one capable of switching itself on despite adverse conditions. Art it seems is a charmed philosophical particle, which reinvents itself to re-polarise exhausted energy fields. The art mîme activates a poiêsis/mimêsis pivot and, in an insubordinate act of language, serves to table the unsayable. In a duplicious act of double-conceit, art reflects and refracts all predictabilities to affect an existential shift in our electrical fields. Its objective to institute a change into the global matrix, but this can only be affected in a form of language. Art is an epistemology alright - but a weird one.

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Gary Willis

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