Sufic Terminology

Sufic Terminology

The language of Self-transformation

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 19.01.2010 )

€ 79,00

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Sufism (Tasawwuf) is the technology of transformation of the self. Sufic Terminology: the language of Self-transformation, a revised edition of Sufi Terminology, is a compendium of Arabic-Sufic terms with detailed explanations and cross referencing. At this point in time we are fortunate in having access to many English translations of works by the great Sufi masters of the past. However, in reading these excellent translations we are really only skimming over the surface. An understanding of the technical language is essential in order to penetrate and explore the teachings and messages contained within these classical texts. Many present- day Sufi masters still employ the classical sufic terminology. However there are those who do not, believing that the essence of Sufism can best be transmitted to non Arabic, non Muslim readers without using a foreign language. Yet, a basic knowledge of sufic terms will not be wasted and will be of immense value if one is to benefit from the great texts of past masters. Keys are needed to unlock doors to self- transformation. This terminology is a set of keys to a deeper understanding of the Sufic experience.

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Amatullah Armstrong

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