Analysis of livelihood strategy and Food security

Analysis of livelihood strategy and Food security

A case of households from Yem Special District South West Ethiopia

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 27.02.2010 )

€ 59,00

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For the last decades problem of food insecurity has been outstanding challenge for most Sub Saharan countries. As a result of which these countries were forced to design strategies that they alleged it would enable their people to come out of the problem of food insecurity. Hence enhancing agricultural production and productivity is opted as the best alternative since it is believed that the rural community drives their income from their small farms. Informed by the above idea these countries are used to allocate huge amount of their annual budget to reverse the situation. Because the strategy neglected resource poor farmers, landless rural households and their livelihood strategies, failed to reduce hunger and rural poverty in those countries. Therefore, this book clearly identified what livelihood strategies rural households employ that enable them to be food secure or not and what factors determine their participation in the given livelihood activities The book provide valuable information to research and extension, rural development, institutions, policy and decision makers about how to improve rural livelihood and livelihood strategies.

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By (author) :

yemataye tessema
Tesfaye Lema(PhD)

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