Essentials of Entrepreneurship

Essentials of Entrepreneurship

New Businesses, Innovation, Economic Growth

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2010-06-06 )

€ 79,00

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Faustino Taderera, the celebrity, is the finest International Business brains ever produced in Zimbabwe and Africa and the most published business icon and guru nicknamed, "The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Middle East." His students call him, "The Rumbler and the Caterpillar." This book, Essentials of Entrepreneurship, his 24th book, is a necessary companion for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs and covers, among others, topics such as:- status of world economy; history of entrepreneurship; business plans; production; finance; TQM; HRM; marketing plans; strategies for the 4 Ps; sales management; sustainable competitive advantage; core competencies; buyer and consumer behaviour; product, corporate and national branding; mergers and acquisitions; globalization strategies for firms and nations; tendering; Ansoff Product- Growth Matrix; the BCG Matrix, Porter’s generic strategies; Faustino Taderera is now one of the world’s most eminent and distinguished researchers. Faustino always says, "I am the Socrates, Aristotle and Plato of my time. Golden fish have no hiding place". He is a much sought after global academic and professional BRAND.

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Faustino Taderera

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