The Management of Developing Quality of Life of the Elders

The Management of Developing Quality of Life of the Elders

On the Medical Careand Public Health ServiceIn the Sub District of Khao-Phra-NgamAmphur Mueng in Lopburi Province

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 29.01.2020 )

€ 54,90

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From the conducting of “prototype housing” health project on the chronic illness and elders can illustrate that the project create value and worth. 1. Value The value of exchanging in resource; this resource is generated from the activities that are required the cooperation of every segments in order to invest and exchange in resource, in order to build up the service with the highest efficiency for the patients. Therefore, the resource exchange or distribution between segments become high value and there is some resource which money can not be invested or utilized on the resources, eg., the personal who having knowledge and ability to join the activity of “prototype housing”, or personal who having the experience on improving the environment of the patient’s home. 2. Worth Academic worth is generated from the caring system at home in the community level and raised as the improvements of prototype housing, which are developed in term of academic for elders and working for local administration with high challenging because this is not only responded to the health topic but also to the responsibility of the local communities in order to develop the life quality of every target group.

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Anuwat Wichaingoen
Sarayuth Sa-ngiam

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