Management of Special Schools in Ghana

Management of Special Schools in Ghana

An analysis of the Management of State-Maintained Special Schools for children with hearing impairment in Ghana

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 23.06.2012 )

€ 79,00

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In Ghana, children with disabilities (CWDs) are described as an “emerging minority” with little attention paid to critical issues that emerge in the management of state-maintained special schools for children with hearing impairment (SMSSCHI). Such schools have been excluded from on-going research agendas aimed at locating the quality of basic education. This study examined the management of SMSSCHI with a focus on the nature of the day-to-day management; organisational challenges; relationships between SMSSCHIs and stakeholders; educational policies that influence the management of SMSSCHI; and boundary issues in day-to-day management. Secondary data was obtained from an analysis of relevant literature. Secondary data was harvested in two phases: Phase 1 involved visits to seven out of the 12 SMSSCHI while Phase 2 concentrated on three schools. Data were analysed using the planning, organising, staffing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting (POSDCoRB) framework. Key findings were that day-to-day management practices were homogenous across study schools. Organisational boundary issues emerged as significant in the involvement of stakeholders in school management. Societal conceptions

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Kitabın dili:



Dora Aidoo

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Yayın tarihi:



Eğitim, Hobi, Kariyer