The Art of Using Humor in Preaching

The Art of Using Humor in Preaching

Toward A Methodology Which Equips Pastors To Use Humor Intentionally In Preaching

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2009-10-19 )

€ 68,00

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The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze Bob Russell''s use of humor in order to develop a methodology which may aid pastors in using humor in their sermons. The researcher evaluated Russell''s humor from the perspective of classical homiletical theory as espoused by John A. Broadus and extended the theory of James Heflin to the intentional use of humor in sermons by pastors. The researcher was concerned with how pastors, as opposed to itinerant ministers who often repeat messages, could accomplish homiletical objectives by using humor in their preaching to the same congregation over a long period of time. The researcher studied what forms of humor Russell employed, as well as how his humor influenced the foundational, formal, and functional elements in sixty-two consecutive sermons which he preached as pastor of the Southeast Christian Church. In order to provide an understanding of humor''s role in preaching by pastors, the state of research provides an examination of major theories about humor, humor in public speaking, and humor in homiletics.

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By (author) :

Bradley Rushing

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