Design and Implementation of a Spatial Database

Design and Implementation of a Spatial Database

Using Objected-Oriented Approach for Multi-Purpose Planning: the case study of Durban Metropolitan area

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 23.12.2018 )

€ 46,90

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Aiming to develop an efficient spatial database for multi-purpose planning, the present database system used by planners in the DMA was reviewed in which data sampling, reports, queries, and procedures used by the system were investigated. Interviews and group discussions were held with stakeholders and key informants. An OOA was used to design and implement a spatial database that allows for complex planning applications within the DMA. This process entailed, establishing user requirements which were vital to determine what the system should do; Creating a conceptual design to overcome the complexity of sub-systems structure of objects accompanied by the database, and of the relationships between various components within the database system; and providing a logical and physical design to provide a systematic roadmap for the database development a UML was used for graphical representations. The adopted spatial database system proved to be capable of providing data integrity, combining spatial and non-spatial data in a single homogenous database, providing a high capacity for data storage, exhibiting control and database management, and generating ad hoc and multiple-queries.

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Salah Omer Hagahmoodi

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