In the present era Adding Technology and Innovations in Agriculture will help in increasing crop productivity. The motive to use development in Agriculture is not only to increase productivity but also to take care of our Farmers and Future Generations and one such way to achieve it is by using Agricultural Drones. One of the main sources (around 70%) of income in India is Agriculture. The production rate of crops in agriculture is based on various parameters like temperature, humidity, rain, etc. which are natural factors and are not in farmer’s control. The field of agriculture also depends on some other factors like pests, disease, fertilizers, etc. which can be controlled by giving proper treatment to crops. Pesticides may increase the productivity of crops but they also affect human health. The WHO (World Health Organization) estimated as one million cases of ill effected when spraying the pesticides in the crop filed manually. Agriculture drone can be used as a form of Precision Agriculture by managing to spray the fertilizer as per requirement. The main aim of our project is to design an Agricultural Drone which is Hexacopter which has high load capacity, more thrust, and p

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Devaiah Malkapuram
P Chucharita
Shaik Jaweed

Number of pages:


Published on:



Mechanical engineering, manufacturing technology