Impacts of Motivation, SES and Metacognition on SLA

Impacts of Motivation, SES and Metacognition on SLA

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 12.08.2021 )

€ 61,90

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The present study focuses on the effects of motivation, socio-economic status and metacognition in Second Language Acquisition among the entry college students of West Bengal. For this present study, the investigator has followed stratified random sampling method. 929 first semester students who chose English as Major in UG level under the affiliation of various universities of West Bengal from 38 colleges are engaged in this study. Among them 157 students were from Hilly regions of West Bengal, 378 students from Tarai region, 231 students from Rarh region and 163 students from Ganga-Delta region. The study reported significant positive relation between gender and second language acquisition of the entry level college students of West Bengal. Though overall motivation did not show any significant correlation, self-motivation has emerged as a positive and significant factor of second language acquisition. Again, the study revealed no significant relation between second language acquisition and the physiographical belongingness of the learners. But closer observation shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between second language acquisition of the entry level coll

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Sambhunath Maji

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